14 Common Misconceptions About UK Skilled Worker Visa
14 Common Misconceptions About UK Skilled Worker Visa

The UK Skilled Worker Visa is a type of visa that allows individuals with certain skills and qualifications to work and live in the United Kingdom. The visa is intended for people who have been offered a job in the UK that cannot be filled by a settled worker. The visa is based on the Points-based System (PBS), which is used to assess the qualifications and skills of applicants.

To be eligible for the Skilled Worker Visa, applicants must:

  • have a valid job offer from a UK employer that cannot be filled by a settled worker
  • have a valid Certificate of Sponsorship from their employer
  • meet the required salary threshold for the occupation
  • pass a points-based assessment, which takes into account factors such as qualifications, skills, and experience
  • have a sufficient knowledge of English.

The Skilled Worker Visa can be valid for up to 5 years, and can be extended for a further 5 years. After 5 years, the holder of the visa can apply for Indefinite Leave to Remain (ILR), which would allow them to live and work in the UK without any time restrictions.

It's worth noting that from 1 December 2020, the UK introduced new immigration rules which replace the Tier 2 (General) visa, Tier 2 (ICT) visa, and Tier 5 (Temporary Worker) visa with the Skilled Worker visa.

14 Common Misconceptions About UK Skilled Worker Visa

  1. The UK Skilled Worker Visa is only for highly skilled professionals: While the visa is intended for individuals with certain skills and qualifications, it is not limited to highly skilled professionals.
  2. The visa is only for citizens of certain countries: The Skilled Worker Visa is open to applicants from any country, as long as they meet the required criteria.
  3. The visa process is quick and easy: The visa process can be complex and time-consuming, and applicants should be prepared to provide a significant amount of documentation and evidence to support their application.
  4. You must have a job offer before you can apply: While having a job offer can make the process easier, it is not a requirement for the Skilled Worker Visa.
  5. The visa is only for certain industries: The visa is open to applicants working in a wide range of industries, including technology, healthcare, engineering, and many others.
  6. The visa is only valid for a short period of time: The Skilled Worker Visa can be valid for up to 5 years, and can be extended for a further 5 years.
  7. The visa does not allow for family members to join you: Family members, including spouse and children, can apply to join the primary visa holder in the UK.
  8. The visa does not allow for work outside of the UK: While the visa is intended for individuals who will be working in the UK, it does allow for some limited travel outside of the country.
  9. You must have a high salary to qualify: The visa does not have a specific salary requirement, but it does require that the applicant's job pays above the "going rate" for that type of work.
  10. You must be sponsored by an employer: While some employers may choose to sponsor an employee, sponsorship is not a requirement for the Skilled Worker Visa.
  11. You must speak fluent English: The visa requires that the applicant has a sufficient knowledge of English to perform their job, but this does not necessarily mean speaking the language fluently.
  12. You must have a degree from a UK university: A degree from a UK university is not a requirement for the Skilled Worker Visa, but it may be considered as part of the overall assessment of the application.
  13. You have to have a job before applying : While having a job offer can make the process easier, it is not a requirement for the Skilled Worker Visa. Self-employed person also can apply if they can demonstrate their earning and ability to support themselves.
  14. You don't need to pass a Points-based test: The Skilled Worker Visa is based on the Points-based System, so applicants must pass a points-based assessment in order to be eligible for the visa.

If you still have concerns about the UK work visa?

Don't worry; our Workpermitz UK visa consultants can help you out!

Get in touch with us today and get reliable advice on all your questions. With their extensive experience and knowledge, they are sure to provide you with the best solutions. So, don't hesitate and reach out to them now!


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